Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Where the Mind is Without Fear Rabindranath Tagore

 Q & A of Stories and Poems

 This blogpost is a part of academic activity meant for the students of Diploma Engineering Semseter 01 . This Q & A is prepared as per the curriculum of Communication Skills in English (CSE) recently implemented by the GTU (Gujarat Technological University). This series is prepared in the larger interest of the students and any misuse of it shall invite legal actions.


Q.1 What is meant by “mind is without fear and head is held high”. Tick the correct answer. (i) to be fearless and self respecting (ii) to be proud of one’s high position . 48 (iii) to stand straight and be carefree.

Ans. To be fearless and self-respecting.

Q. 2. What does the poet mean by “where knowledge is free”?

Ans. By the phrase “Where knowledge is free”, the poet indicates everyone’s equal right to get education regardless of their financial situation. It also emphasises that knowledge is free from any sort of discrimination like caste, creed, gender, nationality and so on. In modern times, we may call it ‘global perspective’ towards education.

Q.3. The ‘domestic walls’ are usually associated with safety, comfort and love. What is the meaning of ‘narrow domestic walls’? Choose the correct answer. (i) small houses which make us feel cramped (ii) ideas which are petty and narrow-minded. iii) a house divided into rooms by walls.

Ans. Ideas which are petty and narrow-minded.

Q.4. What according to the poet do people tirelessly strive towards?

According to the poet, in such a heavenly society, people tirelessly strive to achieve perfection in whatever they do. Excellence in one’s work is an essential virtue in any field. The poet believes that people should always keep trying to get better and better in their work.

Q.5. How does the poet describe the old habit?

Old habit are mostly outdated, irrelevant and ‘dead’. They have no relevance to the constantly changing and fast life of modern times. That’s why the poet compares old habit with ‘dreary desert sand’ where the flow of reason (rational thinking) gets lost. Mostly people follow social traditions, customs and rituals without applying any logic or asking any questions about their significance. One should not let such unnecessary practices to overpower critical viewpoint.

Q.6 How does the poet describe ‘heaven of freedom’?

‘Heaven of freedom’ is described as the place where people neither mistreat nor discriminate others on the grounds of religious or political differences. In such a society, people tend to expand the horizons of their thinking and embrace all human beings. There is no place for bias, prejudice or hatred in such a life. One can be fearless in speaking truth, one can live with dignity and one can be free in his/her choices. Such a society is imagined as ‘heaven of freedom’.

Q.7. Who does the poet address as ‘thee’ and my father?

The poet addresses God as ‘thee’ and ‘my father’. God as the ultimate creator of the universe is addressed throughout this poem. The poet requests the Almighty to be a guide for our country into the journey of democracy and peaceful life.

Q.8 What kind of freedom does the poet desire for his country?

The poet expects something much beyond just the political freedom. When there is violence, crime, injustice and hatred prevalent everywhere, such a society cannot be considered free. We as people should strive to create a society when an individual can live with self-respect, happiness and sense of fulfilment. Such a society should be free from vices like corruption.

Q.9 Write a short note on the central idea of the poem.

This classic and amazing piece of poetry by genius poet Rabindranath Tagore is a manifesto of democratic values for an ideal society, It also goes in line with what the leaders and revolutionaries expected the nation to be at the time of Indian independence. Even in current times, it has full relevance. A society can be considered heaven only when there is freedom in the real sense of the term. Freedom from the outsiders or colonizers is not enough. As a society, we should also aim to be free from narrow-mindedness, superstitions, fanaticism and partiality. There is no place for religious or political rigidity and intolerance in such a society. We the people should always strive to achieve the mark of excellence in whatever work we do, only then the nation can make progress. In today’s technology-driven life, one must think beyond one’s cast, religion, state etc. A frog in a well type of thinking has no place in a global society. Broad-mindedness and acceptance are keys to creating a healthy society.

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